Here’s to 13 years of P.F.

P.F. Candle Co. 13 Years of P.F.
It’s official: we’re a teen! The business that started as my Etsy shop has now reached the ripe age of 13 — how will we commemorate this? Will we grow a mohawk, like Tom did when he was a teen? Or be sullen and moody and pour our feelings into a Xanga? Or will we be a Type-A, honor roll teen? (ahem, me.)

One theme that fits is tapping into our independence. P.F. is still independently owned and operated by Tom and me. What does that mean? It means we answer to ourselves and our customers, not investors. Sometimes, like when facing the 40-foot tidal wave of COVID, this is supremely scary. But other times, it’s freeing. We can grow the company how we want: creating a good work environment for our staff that doesn’t just make productivity the only goal; prioritizing sustainability in our practices, even if it costs more; having fun with our releases (looking at you, Watermelon & Chili), and expressing ourselves with weird memes that generate DMs quipping “not yr brand.” It means that we can re-invest in better machinery, systems, and wages without having to worry about shareholders’ profits. It means that the bottom line does not drive us, so we can increase quality, not squeeze the customer.

On a recent re-watch of the Labyrinth, I found myself relating to Sarah’s push/pull with childhood, or rather, her flirtation with adulthood. I don’t want to lose the sparkle of a young company — where everything feels like magic as it happens for the first time (your first sale, your first press placement). We are on the verge of becoming a 100-person company, something I never envisioned when I started P.F. at 22. The last thing I want is to become an impersonal and overly bureaucratic corporation. Remember, this business started on my stovetop. In turn, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how culture scales. Because we’ve stayed independent, we’ve been able to keep our spirit alive but have become more professional where it’s needed. I’m continually impressed with the complexity of work our team pushes out — such a far cry from my stovetop/laptop 2008 situation.

So many of you first came across our business at a craft fair, likely when Tom or I sold to you directly or from an independently-owned shop that you still frequent. However you found us, the fact that you are still here speaks volumes. You get it; you have grown with us. Thank you for the last 13.


PF Blog 13 Years Kristen 1 PF Blog 13 Years Kristen 2


Love this and obsessed with your company. I got so excited when I realized your Culver City store was just a block away from my work. Another exciting moment was when I found your product in Whole Foods. Looking forward to seeing your company grow in a great way. Good job to you and Tom!

Michelle Murray October 29, 2021

Wishing you a very happy birthday! Everything about your company, from the products to the customer service, makes my world just a little brighter!

Bonnie Kilgore October 29, 2021

Hey! Happy birthday!

James October 29, 2021

I love your candles and have purchased them for myself and as gifts. Just thought I’d share that I first came across your candles while vacationing in Florence, Italy. We were having breakfast at a lovely restaurant/gift store and while wandering through the items for sale, I was drawn to amber glass candle displayed inside a beautiful hurricane. How surprised I was to find that the candle was from the states! I took a picture of the grapefruit scented candle’s label so that I could order it when I got home. Grapefruit is still one of my favorite scents and looking at the amber glass candle always reminds me of a special time with family in Florence!

Cheryl October 29, 2021

Happy Birthday, P.F.! I’ve been following you since you were on Etsy thanks to your limited release at Urban Outfitters! Love you guys, and so happy to see your growth.

Nicole October 29, 2021

Congratulations on 13! It’s really refreshing to see how passionate you guys are about your company, product, and employees. Keep up the amazing work! We love you guys!

Angela October 29, 2021

New customer here. One from the Pandemic at that. So happy I stumbled upon P.F. they have been my favourite all year long. Treat myself to one or a few quite frequently and can honestly say I’ll be a forever customer.

Manny S. October 29, 2021

Happiest of Birthdays! Thank you for bringing me my favorite candles for many years now. If you survived the last 2 years, you have many more left!

Allison D. October 29, 2021

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