May 31, 2022
How to Add Fragrance to Your Kitchen
The kitchen: a place where many scents live. It seems keeping this area smelling fresh is an uphill battle. While the first step to keeping your kitchen smelling fresh is by cleaning the places where unfavorable smells stem from, incorporating home fragrance is a great way to keep it constantly smelling great. Here are our top tips and fragrance recs:
We love a tidy space and the kitchen is an everyday task that we don’t shy away from. A current obsession has been browsing Cleantok for ideas and tricks to incorporate into our kitchen cleaning routines. For the kitchen, keeping places where unfavorable smells come from, like the sink and trash can, extra clean is a must. After giving your sink a good wash, add half a cup of baking soda + one cup of vinegar to the drain. After it fizzes for about 30 seconds, wash it all down with hot water. The trash can is another place we like to keep clean and a gentle cleaning solution is our go-to. Simply mix one cup of white distilled vinegar with one cup of water, essential oil is optional, but if you prefer to use it, add about 15-20 drops. Add the mixture to a 16 oz spray bottle and gently shake the bottle to combine the ingredients. You'll want to do this each time you use the cleaner. Spray your trash can, inside and out, after emptying to keep things fresh. Lastly, let’s not forget about the fridge. A weekly clean out + wipe down inside and out will keep your fridge fresh and clean and ready for any restocks.
Now for the fun part! We love incorporating some of our favorite P.F. scents in the kitchen to keep our atmosphere smelling great. Our go to are gourmand scents. Gourmand basically means mouth-watering scents with addictive notes that tend to smell edible.
This zesty and invigorating scent is perfect for the kitchen. It has notes of grapefruit, yuzu, and lemon that offer a crystalline sweet and tart fragrance. We love propping a reed diffuser on the counter (which looks beautiful tbh) to keep the scent wafting throughout. A spritz of Room & Linen Spray is also great for a quick fragrance pick-me-up.
This fragrance is one of our faves, it’s a little spicy and a little sweet, and gives us a comforting vibe. Light a soy candle after you’ve finished cooking dinner or during a little baking sesh to keep the atmosphere warm and comforting. The notes of evergreen, mission fig, and spice give this woody and spicy fragrance the chill vibes we’re looking for during an evening in.
Ok, this limited edition scent, part of our Soft Focus collection, is so unique. We love lighting up a soy candle in the afternoon while preparing and enjoying lunch. It’s bright and fun and it reminds us of that energizing afternoon sunlight when the day is warming up and the energy around seems to be ramping up. With galbanum, California poppy, and grapefruit, Citrus Daze smells juicy, vibrant, and lush.
Another warm and comforting scent that we love adding to the kitchen. Piñon has woody notes with a touch of vanilla. It smells dry and warm and we love lighting a soy candle during quiet mornings while we prepare our coffee and plan our day ahead. It’s also perfect after our nightly kitchen tidying or during an evening wind down. Lighting an incense stick is also a great option if trying to diminish pungent cooking smells.
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